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I offer individual, couples', and multi-partner psychosexual and relationship therapy to support you through changes, challenges, and difficulties with intimacy at any stage of life. My goal is to help you work towards more fulfilling intimacy and relationships.

Psychosexual and relationship therapy provides a safe and confidential space to explore your sexual identity, your relationships, and how things could improve. I believe in a sex-positive, empowering framework that recognises the diversity of human sexual expression.

Through therapy, you can gain a deeper understanding of your sexuality, including your desires, anxieties, and communication styles. I am trained in intimate partner therapy, compulsive sexual behaviours, and psychosexual therapy, and I will equip you with tools and techniques to address specific concerns and improve your sexual health and function. This may involve exploring areas such as:

  • Relationship with sex

  • Ejaculation and erection difficulties

  • Loss of desire and desire discrepancy

  • Pain during sex

  • Difficulty reaching orgasm

  • Life changes and their impact on intimacy (e.g., stress, illness, childbirth)

  • Body image concerns related to sex

  • Setting and achieving sexual goals

  • Healthy use of pornography or addressing compulsive pornography use

  • Navigating relationship conflict related to sex and intimacy

  • Exploring sexual identity and orientation

  • Compulsive sexual behaviours

  • (I am currently working towards my qualification in clinical sexology, further specialising in this area)

Talking about sex and intimacy can be difficult, but it's important. Congratulations on taking the first step to reach out and seek support. I offer a free introductory call or Zoom session so we can get to know each other and see if this feels like the right space for you.






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